You could create a series of questions and answers to save your company time, money and resources. Make sure to point this out to your customers when they purchase your products or services. Make sure to use anchors to create links to take you from the questions to the answers and back again. Check out this tutorial for help on Anchor Links. Also check out this tutorial to understand how I created the TOP link at the bottom of each footer.

Question: Post Your Question Here

This is the answer that goes on forever and ever. Here is the part of the answer that repeats itself. This is the answer that goes on forever and ever. Here is the part of the answer that repeats itself.

This is the answer that goes on forever and ever. Here is the part of the answer that repeats itself. This is the answer that goes on forever and ever. Here is the part of the answer that repeats itself. This is the answer that goes on forever and ever. Here is the part of the answer that repeats itself.



Question: Post Your Question 2 Here

This is the answer 2that goes on forever and ever. Here is the part of the answer that repeats itself. This is the answer that goes on forever and ever. Here is the part of the answer that repeats itself.

This is the answer that goes on forever and ever. Here is the part of the answer that repeats itself. This is the answer that goes on forever and ever. Here is the part of the answer that repeats itself. This is the answer that goes on forever and ever. Here is the part of the answer that repeats itself.



Question: Post Your Question 3 Here

This is the answer 3 that goes on forever and ever. Here is the part of the answer that repeats itself. This is the answer that goes on forever and ever. Here is the part of the answer that repeats itself.

This is the answer that goes on forever and ever. Here is the part of the answer that repeats itself. This is the answer that goes on forever and ever. Here is the part of the answer that repeats itself. This is the answer that goes on forever and ever. Here is the part of the answer that repeats itself.
