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Web Template Overview
Define the Site
Customize the Graphics
Modify the Navigation
Modify the Hyperlink Rollovers (or Cascading Style Sheets)

Web Template Overview
The Simplicity Web Template consists of 2 main pages (Homepage and Subpage) and was built using Dreamweaver UltraDev 4 and Fireworks 4. The homepage has a unique layout to prime the visitor, but each succeding page will be the subpage (pages based on the template Simplicity.dwt). The templates consists of 3 types of navagation: Top and Footer which are the core links, and the sidebar navigation which might list your products or categories. All 3 types of navigation are Library items within the templates. This makes updating the navigation throughout the site very easy. Each page has 2 editable regions (Page Header and Body). This can be modifed in the template at your discretion. The logic behind this, is that you will only need to change these 2 areas on each page, the navigation will stay the same. Additionally, the template uses CSS to control the hyperlink rollovers and body text. The details of modifying these areas will follow in the subsequent sections below.

This template was tested in Internet Explorer 5.5. and Netscape 6.1.

This web template consists of the following elements:

    1. Homepage (index.htm)
    2. 3 Templates (Simplicity.dwt, Simplicity_Green.dwt, Simplicity_Purple.dwt located in the TEMPLATES folder)
    3. Cascading Style Sheet (Simplicity.css)
    4. Editable graphics in both PNG and PSD formats.
    5. 3 Library items (top_nav, category_sidebar, and footer_nav) which govern the site's navigation.
    6. Setup and customization instructions (this file setup.htm)



    1. After purchase you will be redirected to a download page, download the file: Simplicity.exe.
    2. Double-click Simplicity.exe to install the files to your hard drive.
    3. Click UNZIP to save the files.


Define the Site

    1. Open Dreamweaver and hit F8 to launch the Site window.
    2. Launch the Site Definition window from the menu bar
      Site > New Site Select Local Info on the left, name your Site and point to the directory where your files are located.
    3. Lastly, select Remote Info in the left column and add the appropriate information. This will vary depending on your web host.


Customize the Graphics

Graphics can be easily customized, you can edit these graphics with any tool (Fireworks, Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, etc.), but this template was built utilizing the tight integration of the Dreamweaver 4 Fireworks 4 Suite. If you do not have Fireworks 4, you can download a 30 day evaluation copy for FREE at Macromedia.

If you are using Fireworks, use the Roundtrip Graphics Editing.

If you are using Photoshop or another graphics editing tool follow these steps.

  1. Locate the file you want to change, for example top_navigation.gif. and look for the corresponding PSD file in the Fireworks folder.
  2. Open the top_navigation.psd in Photoshop.
  3. Make the necessary change, i.e. Company Name.
  4. Save the file in the appropriate format (gif or jpg) replacing the file top_naviagation.gif.
  5. The change will be made thoughout the website.


Modify the Navigation

Because the Simplicity Web Template uses Library items, there are 3 navigation files top_nav, footer_nav, and category_sidebar. Note: top_nav contains a graphic, so you may have to customize this before you change the navigation.

    1. Open the Library Panel, Window>Library.
    2. Double-click the navigation item you would like to edit, this will open a new widow.
    3. Make modifications and save. You will be ask to Update Library items, choose Update.
    4. Make sure to save any open pages in Dreameaver, to update Library items.


Modify the Hyperlink Rollovers (or Cascading Style Sheets)

Personally, I like to modify the Style Sheets in Notepad because I can access everything quickly and easily.

Open the file from NotePad.

The style sheets looks something like the sample below, just modify the color, font-weight, font-family, font-size or text-decoration (underline or none) to get the style you want. Since almost everything is already done for you, you may just want to change the colors from #FFFFFF (white) to #CCCCCC (gray) or add another style.

For example, to add another style, you can cut and paste one of the existing styles, then change the class name from .footer to .yourstyle then change any of the style properties.

.footer { font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #cccccc}
.footer a:active { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none;}
.footer a:link { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none;}
.footer a:visited { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none;}
.footer a:hover { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: underline ;}

Change Where the Style is Applied
On the other hand, you may want to change sections of your web page to contain different style (maybe you've created your own).

    1. Open "SIMPLICITY.DWT" (for a global website change) or a specific page.
    2. Select the section of the page you would like to change the style (Select a HTML tag, in this example I have selected the td tag with the Body Editable Region).
    3. Click the style you would like to apply in the CSS Styles Panel (in this example I have applied the body style).
    4. Save and view your change in a browser (Netscape is a little picky about the styles it uses so be careful).